It is said that Borzuy a physician in ancient Iran
read a book of the Hindus where it was written that there was an herb
on a mountain in India that when sprinkled on a dead body would bring
it back to life. After searching through India and finding no such way
to everlasting life Borzuy asked a sage of India to explain what the
book actually meant. The sage said, the herb is the scientist; science
is the mountain, everlasting out of reach of the multitude. The corpse
is the man without knowledge, for the uninstructed man is everywhere
lifeless. Through knowledge man becomes revivified.
Shahnameh - The Epic of the Kings by Ferdowsi from 1000 as translated
by Reuben Levy
The material on this web site by Kenneth M. Chipps
Ph.D. consists of notes on the field of
telecommunications. Any use of this material requires
prior permission.
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